Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Storm A-Brewin'

When I got up this morning I looked at the license plate on the truck next to me and it was from Washington! That's the first one I have seen in weeks. I started up a little conversation and asked them if Washington still existed.

"It did a week ago," they said.

Whew, what a relief. It's been so long since I saw someone from my home state that I was starting to get a little worried. The talk didn't last long, but it was nice to have a conversation with someone with the same accent.

While leaving International Falls the landscape started to get boring pretty quickly. I knew this was going to happen, but it is always a bit of a surprise when the hills disappear and the only thing to look at is the weather:

And it got worse from there. What trees there were started to disappear, and soon the only thing around was farmland. I am sorry to say that those clouds were the only thing I saw today that was really interesting. Even the farmland was extra bare because they had just harvested the barley, and the only activity in the fields was cleaning up the stubble from the harvest. The roads were string straight, and I could see for at least ten miles in all directions at all times. It was a long day.

I pulled into Devil's Lake, ND just in time for the 8 o'clock meeting. It was the first candlelight meeting of the trip, and we talked about our 'design for living' and how it works. There were also some newer folks there, and I always like to hear how it feels to be new. I never want to actually feel that again, so remembering is good. Thanks, Saturday Night Group!

After the meeting I went out for a bite to eat with a few people from the meeting. It was really great to spend some time with family outside of the rooms just talking about life stuff. Thanks, Bill, Pete, Mark, and Pete's wife. (Sorry I forgot your name…) I had a wonderful time!

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