Sunday, May 9, 2010

Panic Ensues

Well, the departure date approaches (estimated to be June 7th), and there is a bit of panic in my mind. The bike is still apart in the garage awaiting the arrival of new shocks from Works Performance in CA. All the work I can do to the bike for the time being has been done, and I am anxious to ride some more. On top of not being able to ride I am beginning to panic about being able to leave on time because of work, and also because of money and just being on the road. I have reached a point in Blue Highways where William is beginning to crack from being on the road and think about heading home, and I fear that point in my trip. My mind has a wonderful ability to run away with itself and go to the darkest places (mental meltdown on the road, no money on the road, stuck in the middle of nowhere, etc) and I am trying to fight that as best I can and remember that things have always worked the way they are supposed to in the past. But I'll be damned if it doesn't just keep talking... I suspect that all of this is normal for something like this, but it actually kept me awake for a bit the other night and I cannot remember the last time I lost sleep over something. Part of my brain just wants me to give this up and get a job and go back to work and be secure, but the other part of me knows that if I do that I will regret it forever. So for now the plan remains; leave in early to mid-June for 60 days of meetings...