Monday, July 26, 2010

Too much time to think

I decided that I was going to stay in Asheville for an extra day and see Bele Chere, a local street fair, and see what all the hubbub about Asheville was really about.

So around the middle of the day I made my way into town for breakfast and people watching at the fair. During my breakfast (blackberry and cream french toast!) I had the pleasure of observing to frat boy types at the table next to me. Normally I would not have thought much of it, but they were so trashed they could barely sit, and one of them made several swaying trips to the bathroom. Neither of them really ate any of their food, and I was grateful that I wasn't one of the guys trashed at noon!

The fair was pretty much like and other street fair I've been to, a bunch of vendors selling things that people don't need for too much money, and it was also atrociously hot and humid so after seeing about half the fair I sought refuge in an air conditioned spot to log on and work on the blog.

Luckily, I missed the big thunderstorm while I was inside, and it was much cooler when I went back out again. I found a laundromat so I could have clean clothes, and I am still amazed I have been on the road for 37 days and not been to a laundromat! So I did my laundry and made some calls back home and then started to feel a little strange. For a little while I couldn't really pinpoint it, but then I realized that I was getting sort of a weird vibe from all the people around me. Then I thought back on the encounters I had with people here in Asheville, and aside from Lani and Jay, and the program folks it's felt a little like I am bothering people, even if just to buy a pack of cigarettes. Perhaps it has a lot to do with Bele Chere, but it seems that the people of Asheville are not so friendly with outsiders. It is also very possible, even likely, that it is because I have had more time to be in my head today because I am not out on the road. (Thanks, Mandy!) Either way, I have decided to move on tomorrow.

The meeting for the day was the Cumberland Group and we had a wonderful discussion about prayer and meditation and the grace of the Dude upstairs. I always enjoy a meeting about how we all come to realize that we are not that Dude. Thanks, Cumberland Group!