Monday, August 2, 2010

The Straight and Boring

I woke up this morning to an alarm that I didn't know I'd set, it was quiet at first, and then got louder, like it was right next to my tent. It was this guy:

And he was right next to my tent. He must have started making noise as he was hopping up to greet me. He didn't say much after I noticed him, but he did hang around to make sure I got out of bed.

Shortly after getting up I realized that I had a headache and a stiff neck. I felt a little like I was hungover, but without the guilt and remorse that makes it really terrible. Maybe I didn't drink enough water yesterday…

In any case, the way I felt made the already boring roads even worse. I wound up on Interstates most of the day to get myself through Southern Michigan and up to Saginaw. I had intended to go farther, but the headache made me stop more often and take it a little slower.

The result of riding Interstates, as usual, is that I saw nothing, talked to almost no one, and experienced very little during the day. As disappointing as I found the day I was pleased to have still made progress north, and therefore closer to home.

I ended the day with the Peace Group in Saginaw, MI. It was a book study and we read a story that I don't think I've read before. I was struck by a passage about the author's surprise at other member's caring. It reminded me that the magic of this whole thing is in that care for one another. And that the love that strangers can have in this fellowship is incredible and not found in many places. Thanks, Peace Group!

After the meeting I found a Motel 6 and got a room to see if I can get rid of this stiff neck by sleeping in a bed. Here's to hopin'.