Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tourist free DC

Tim and I slept in late and had a nice mellow morning with coffee on the front porch.

After we felt sufficiently caffeinated we met up with Tim's brother, Dan, to go to lunch at Wagshel's deli. It turns out that Wagshel's has the best reuben I have ever eaten. It was incredible!

Dan also decided that he needed to try a hot and sour tomato from the bin in front of the counter. It was a green tomato that had been pickled in something. We all tried it and collectively decided that it wasn't terrible, but it was certainly strange. I don't have any idea what possess someone to eat them.

We took our lunch to Battery Kemble Park in DC and I had a hard time believing that we were still in the city. We walked down a dirt trail off a side street and into the woods and the next thing I knew we were in what looked like a mountain meadow with no indication of the city at all. I find it impressive that the city planners could accomplish this so many years ago!

We wandered the park a bit and I was struck by the number of butterflies in DC, and big one's too.

After lunch in the park we had a mellow afternoon around the house and at about 6pm I called Keith, a guy I'd met at the meeting the night before, and asked him for a ride to a meeting. He was running late, but was more than happy to swing by and get me.

I didn't catch the name of the meeting, but it was a men's meeting in a church basement, classic. It was the first men's meeting I had been to since leaving Seattle, and it felt good to be in a room with a bunch of guys who are OK with having feelings. Thanks, guys!

On the ride home from the meeting Keith and I had a nice talk about how we make this program work in our daily lives. I always like talking with someone about how it's made our day-to-day easier and more serene. It reminds me that it really works. Thanks, Keith!

When I got back to the house TIm and I got some dinner and had a good chance to talk about how life is for us these days. It was great to find out about where Tim is and hear that he is settling into life here in DC. I also got to brag a bit about my relationship with Mandy again, something that I love to do, especially after our little visit in New York. Our time together there showed me that what we have really is precious and I am a very lucky man! Thanks for everything, Tim!