Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rushed Excitement

I woke up in Columbus and I was mostly rested and ready to go, but my stomach was turning a little for no apparent reason. I sort of lagged a little as a result, and then when I got to have lunch it took forever to eat it. At one point the waitress came up and asked, "Are you even eating, honey?" I told her that I was, but that I was a little slow today. She smiled and said ok, and then left me to my lunch.

The slow lunch combined with a difficult time finding Wi-Fi made my departure from Columbus a little late. I was irritated with myself, and all I wanted was to see Mandy, but I still had several hours to go.

I ran Interstates the entire way and saw almost nothing interesting. The roads were crowded, fast, and exhausting. I was sore and tired from the day before and grateful that the ride for the day was fairly short. I wanted to be there, and the miles couldn't go by fast enough.

At some point in Kentucky and continuing up into New York I realized that the daredevil birds of the West and Southwest (you know, the ones that swoop down in front of you and get out of the way just in time) had been replaced by daredevil butterflies, and they were good. There were a couple of times that I felt like ducking to get out of the way.

Along the ride into New York I talked to very few people, but there was one kid at a gas station in Ohio that seemed really fascinated by the trip. It was apparent to me that he was the kid in High School that was not well liked, and likely picked on. My suspicion is that his family is from the poor side of town and that people treat him differently as a result. He spoke loudly and a little slurred, although it was clear that he was not drunk. Everyone working at the station seemed perfectly happy to talk to him and joke with him and I was pleased that he is now treated like a human being.

Just before crossing the state line I stopped for a break and saw this:

It is sad to me that a building is pretty as this one has a fate like this. I stood there trying to imagine what it must have been like when this was a popular stop along the drive from Cleveland to Buffalo. Sad that these things go by the wayside with our faster paced travel dynamic.

I paid my toll for I-90 and entered New York brimming with excitement to see Mandy. It had been almost a month since I had seen her, and I was anxious. When I arrived at Angie's house I was almost shaking with excitement. I understood now where my stomach issues earlier had come from. I was giddy.

I got inside the house and she looked better than I have ever seen her. She was beautiful, and her smile was glowing like it always does. We hugged and we kissed, and we hugged. It was wonderful!

Because I was running a little late we had to rush out to get to a meeting. We walked to the Why Group about a half mile away. It felt nice to be off the bike, and almost surreal to be with Mandy again. The meeting was a great mix of people in the basement of a church, and to be honest, I really have no idea what was said because I was so excited to be with Mandy.

When we got back to he house we stayed up chatting with Angie for a bit. It was wonderful to have Angie and Ryan open their home to us the way that they did. I felt instantly at home and at peace. Thanks, guys!

P.S. In my excitement I forgot to take an odometer photo. Sorry about that...