Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I saw almost nothing yesterday. Really. The only thing that made me stop for a photo was this:

I didn't actually go over to take a look because I was scared. I'm not sure what I thought I would encounter, but I am pretty sure I am confused enough as it is. My only other thought was that there had better be an amusement area at a place called Confusion Hill, because otherwise we are all in a lot of trouble.

I also encountered an Interstate for the first time since leaving Seattle. In order to get across California to the region I wanted to be in I had to spend a couple of hours on I-5. It was more hellish than I thought it would be. 101, despite all it's failings, had spoiled me, and I was in no mood to be fighting with others for space on the road in 90 degree heat. I ran I-5 from Willows through Sacramento, and hated every minute of it. By using Interstates, Steinbeck said, "it will be possible to drive from New York to California without seeing a single thing." How right he was. I saw nothing through there! It might be that there was nothing to see, but if there had been I wouldn't have seen it. I am also keenly aware that California drivers are terrifying on the freeway. There were a few moments in Sacramento that I thought about just getting off and taking surface streets. It was horrible!

I made it to the Crack the Book meeting in Mountain Ranch, CA last night and had a delightful time in a small meeting room with a cow pasture across the street (complete with bells on the cows!). That was a first. The meeting was nice and it was good to read a bit of the stories from the back of the book.

After the meeting I had a brief chat with John and Misty, a young (18 - 20ish) couple who were on fire for the program. John told me he started to write poetry recently and let me listen to a poem he had recorded. For someone new to the craft he was growing rapidly. Keep up the good work, John. When they were leaving Misty rolled down the window and told me that she admired what I was doing. Once again, I am surprised by something that someone says, and reminded that I should not decide who a person is before I know who they are. Thanks, Misty.

I figured it would happen at some point on the trip, but I didn't think it would happen at the beginning. Last night I started to get a sore throat,  and this morning I woke up and it wasn't any better. I was hoping to make it up to Yosemite today, but after Mandy talking sense into me, I stayed here in Jackson at the hotel to rest and recuperate. In and out of naps and eating I had a nice relaxing day. At the end of the day I headed out to the Jackson Fellowship for a meeting, and again was surprised at the topic. Acceptance. Of course the topic would have something to do with my irritation about having to hold back the trip! How did they know!? In any case, I had a wonderful time, and afterward was invited to Mitch's house for dinner.

I had a nice big plate of homemade spaghetti and another delightful conversation about the magic of this fellowship. It turns out, surprise, that Mitch and I think in much the same way. It is always a real treat to share thoughts and feelings eight someone who understands. I guess that really is how this whole thing works! When I was leaving Mitch's house I was very aware that there was a reason for me to stay here in Jackson for another day.

I am beginning to feel better and I am hopeful that I will be on my way in the morning to another meeting somewhere else...