Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home again...again...(sort of)

This morning I had the pleasure of having the first really good cup of coffee I have had in a long time - proof that I am getting closer to home. Thank Dude for Crabtree Coffee in Lewistown!

I left Lewistown headed toward Harlowton and ultimately Bozeman. I was riding along and came upon another collection of wind turbines. I am not sure what it is about these things that attracts me. Maybe it's the fact that they have incredible potential to help the environment, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that they are incredible machines.

These were even placed in active farms and create more income for the farmers. The road was open into the farm so I took a little walk to get a closer look, and holy crap are these big!

I was surprised at the noise they make, too. It sounds a bit like an airplane without the engine, and when there is almost no other noise around they are pretty loud.

After my stop at the wind farm I continued south and made my way into the Gallatin National Forest and the Bridger Mountains. This is the Montana that I know and love. I remember living here in college and having this great sense of being very small in all this space, and it still feels that way. I stopped in the middle of nowhere to listen to the wind and the quiet of the openness, and it felt just the same as it did years ago - peaceful.

It was cold in the mountains and that was wonderful. I geared up heavy and got ready to ride again, and then noticed a giant storm right where I was going…again. This time I held out no hope of missing it, and persisted with the wind at my side and the clouds building. As I got closer to Bozeman it started to look a little less like I would get wet, and by some miracle I managed to make it around the edge of the storm and stay dry! Whew, I must have done something right somewhere.

I was in Bozeman early today so I decided to try to make up a meeting that was missed in Plentywood. I went to the Rebellion Dogs at 5:30 and we talked about how we try to get rid of our selfishness and become useful to other people. It was a very pleasurable discussion and I was glad to be in the room. Thanks, Rebellion Dogs!

After the meeting I chatted with a few folks and asked around to see if anyone knew my friend Geoff from years back and people did! So I got his number and met him at the Farmers Market to catch up for a little bit. It was really great to see Geoff happy, and to meet his wife and little baby. I am glad to know that things are going well for Geoff!

After we chatted for a bit there was another big thunderstorm rolling in and I needed to get out of the rain somewhere so went to the Tuesday at 8 meeting. The meeting was about how we learn to have and use faith, and it was a good reminder to me that I have no idea what's good for me. Thanks, Tuesday at 8!

When the meeting ended I got a chance to talk with some folks that I knew a decade ago when I lived here. It was great to catch up a little bit and have a chat with some familiar people. Thanks, Kurt, Melinda, and Ferd! It was great to see you guys and I'm glad things are well for you all.

I also had the pleasure of talking to Nate after the meeting. Nate is pretty new to our fellowship, and struggling with some of the things that I had a hard time with when I was new (and older). It was great, as always, to talk with someone with the same story and be able to share in the solution. Thanks for being there, Nate, and hang in there!

Geoff and his wife Grace were nice enough to leave the front door open for me and have a futon set up in the front room. They had gone to bed a while before, but still opened their home to me. In the morning Geoff and I got some more time to catch up and chat, and I am grateful that the bonds we make in this fellowship can last through years of not communicating. Thanks, so much Grace, Geoff, Josephine, and Henry (for coming in and licking me in the middle of the night), it was a pleasure to be able to see you guys and a real treat to have a place to stay!