Thursday, May 13, 2010

Source of Panic Discovered

Well, it turns out that the panic I was feeling about the trip had little to do with the trip. On Monday I received an email to do some work and instantly felt better. Although I knew that the work was still there, I was having a hard time allowing my mind to believe it, and that sent me into panic-mode. Silly, I know, but that seems to be how my brain works. Despite lots of evidence to the contrary I still go into worst case scenario first, or at least a close second. It makes me wonder if that is a part of the human condition, or something that is unique to me and a lot of people I know. Are there people out there that always assume the best without thought about how bad it could get? That seems such a foreign concept to me that I would find it uncomfortable to think that way...maybe.

So, as for the trip, it is looking like it may be a little postponed due to work, but I suppose that if I have to make a little more money prior to departure, then I will take it. The bike still does not have shocks, but they tell me that they will be in the mail soon. Sooner would be better, because we have had a nice little stretch of good weather, and it would be nice to be out in it on the bike. Things rarely happen in my time frame...

I bought a giant map of the U.S.:

Look at all those roads! I still maintain that there will be little planning that occurs prior to departure, but I bought the map to see if I find places that I want to go. More to come!