Thursday, August 12, 2010

Doing The Next Thing

This morning after hanging out with Geoff for a bit to catch up I went to find breakfast downtown and ran into Bob, a guy I'd met at the 5:30 meeting the day before. We chatted for a bit and he mentioned that he would be at the noon meeting. I told him that I had some errands to run, but if I am still in town I will go.

The next thing on the list was the last oil change of the trip. I probably could push it to the end, but I decided that I would feel better if I just got it done. I ended up at the Bike Shack just outside of town and was pleased to be able to get it done within an hour. The guys at the shop were great, and I had a really nice time talking with them while I waited. Thanks, Nate!

When I got done at the shop it was a quarter to noon and I took that to mean that I was supposed to go over to the noon meeting, so I did.

The discussion was about how we all deal with people not getting it, and how much we help. It was a good reminder to me that we all have to do what we have to do to get here, and that no amount of extra help can help someone who's not ready. Thanks, Bozeman!

On top of a great meeting I also got to catch up a little bit with Scott, a guy who was instrumental in keeping me around while I was in Bozeman. We lost touch over the years, and I think about him often. It turns out that he is a successful businessman, and happy family man - all as a result of this program! Thanks for coming to a meeting that you usually don't, Scott, and it is great to see that things are going well!

By the time the meeting was over I had settled on the idea of just getting to Helena and calling it a day to have a relaxing evening. So off I went north, but not without seeing Bob not one, but two more times before getting out of town. I think he was following me...

I stopped along the way at a little gas station call Mountain Supply in Townsend. The world really needs more places like this! As I walked through the store I found that not only could I get gas, but also new boots, horse feed, fishing tackle, a hammer and nails, a pack of smokes, ammunition, AND a bottled Frappuccino! Amazing! And I could also catch up with the local news through the people coming through. I overheard what people were harvesting, the problems with Billy's horse, and about a new baby somewhere in town. It's really too bad that most of the country has done away with the General Store. (P.S. Walmart doesn't count!)

I made the last little stretch of the ride to Helena with my rain gear on because it was thunderstorm time again. Luckily, I made it through dry once again!

I got into Helena and got a room for the night and settled in for a realizing evening to recuperate for the final push to get home! And get to Mandy!!