Thursday, June 17, 2010


Day 1 here we come!

The good news is that I got a good night's sleep that I was not expecting, and feel pretty much ready to go. My stomach is turning a little bit, but that is to be expected.

I guess it wouldn't be leaving Seattle for a trip if it weren't raining...I just hope it ends when I get out a little ways. The bike is packed and ready, and all I have to do is get myself together so that I can get on it and go.

I thought you all might like to see what it is that I will be packing with me for 60 days living on my bike, so here it is:
How do you fit all of that on a bike with me on it you ask? Strategically...that's how. The hard bags on the bike are actually quite roomy all things considered. I'm sure that when I am on the bike with all the gear it looks a little like I am wedged in between stuff, but that's just how it has to be, and it's still comfy.

So, that's the update so far. Off to the next meeting.


  1. Hey Nick, I didn't see your Celine Dion cds in the picture, hope you remembered them!

  2. Where's you banana?

  3. Hey Nick, totally digging the journey. It is kinda like being there. Great pics too. Travel safe friend. check ya manana.... Peace!
